
Elaine Morse Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Coordinator, University of Vermont

René is a brilliant storyteller. René captivates the audience clarity and humor. I have learned so much about deafness, deaf-blindness and life in general from René.

Chigee Cloninger Vermont Deaf-Blind Project Director, Retired

René vividly portrayed his life with sincerity, thoughtfulness, and humor. We were able to understand his challenges, the many obstacles he encountered, yet feel hopeful and encouraged by his stories.

Harriet G. Hall Vermont Association for the Blind and Vision Impaired

René is an awesome professional storyteller with clear sign language. He explains emotions straight from the heart. His facial expressions contribute to emphasizing humor, feelings, and details that enhance the complete story. I look forward to seeing René perform again and will always support him by attending performances and bringing my friends along.

Lynne C. Goodson Vermont Radio Broadcaster

Indeed, you are utterly UNSTOPPABLE! Bravo.

Lianne Moccia Sign Language Interpreter

René, great performance. Audience mixture of belly laughing and then deep silence. You gave the funny, but the real experience to us. Thank you.